The Apps I Deleted Today

The Apps I Deleted Today

The Apps I Deleted Today

So, you may be wondering just what in the world this article is about.  This is going to be the first of a series of blog posts about apps and why I removed them from my iOS device(s).  There are so many guides and best apps articles out there.  I wanted to do something different.  This came about out of my daily life.  I tend to keep things I don’t need.  You can ask my wife this and she would gladly say yes.  When it comes to apps, I used to keep as much as I could keep on my phone.

People would look at my phone and would gasp!  How many apps do you have?!?!  I would then explain to them my passion for mobile apps and mobile development in layman’s terms.  The more apps that arise in the app store the more the approach to keeping every app, “just in case” becomes a poor habit.  Now that Apple has so brilliantly allowed its users to see what apps they have purchased on their mobile device, this eases some of the pain of deleting apps.

The worst thing that could happen now is that I would have to redownload the app if and when I needed or wanted it.  I have found that keeping things around for the one chance that you might need them weighs you down.  Not only on our precious iPhone, but in life as well.  I commit to having two pages of apps and no more unless there is some sort of major paradigm shift.  I download many apps a day and it is simply logical to delete apps in the process.

So, instead of just focusing on the opposite side of the story.  I am going to tell you why I didn’t keep certain apps.

I want to know what apps you delete and why?  So comment back or find me on twitter @appscient .  You can also email me at

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